sábado, 20 de junho de 2009

10 ways to swat a fly

They buzz irritably and contaminate food. So when Barack Obama slapped dead a fly during a news interview, some people would have been looking for tips. What's the most effective method?

Attempts to swat flies usually end in fluster, breathlessness and frustration.
But for the man described as the most powerful in the world - yes, he can kill a fly with a single blow.
Halting his television interview momentarily as a fly landed on his left hand, President Obama hit it with his right. "I got the sucker," he declared, as the corpse fell to the White House carpet.
So what is the best way to swat a fly? Here are 10 suggestions.

1. Do it early in the day, says Max Barclay, an insect expert at the Natural History Museum. "Because they are cold-blooded, the reactions of insects depend on the temperature of the air. Early in the morning or in the evening they will be a bit dopey, but in the heat of the day they will be very quick." But expect failure. Barack Obama was probably quite lucky, unless he's been practising. "Nine times out of 10, a human will come off second best. Flies have a phenomenal barrage of senses, half of which we don't have."

2. Approach from behind, goes one theory, because flies take off backwards. Anecdotal evidence suggests some people find this a successful method. But the fact that flies have 360-degree vision and can jump in any direction makes it improbable.

3. Aim ahead, rather than at, the fly say researchers in the US, who found that within milliseconds of sensing a threat, flies get their body ready to take off forward, backwards or sideways. "Given that they are going to be jumping away from the swat, it's best to aim slightly ahead of it," says Michael Dickinson, of the California Institute of Technology. Although how far ahead depends on the speed of the fly. He's been studying take-offs for five years, using video that provides 5,400 frames a second of a fly's precise motion when threatened with a swatting.

4. The old-fashioned slap, now known as The Barack. Stay still, keep focused, take aim and attack. Ideal for a fast hand and if the fly is stationary. And if the world's media is in attendance, YouTube fame beckons.

5. Implements with holes are more effective, says Dr Peter Barnard, director of science at the Royal Entomological Society. "It's the air pressure they detect and fly away from. It's not so much that they see something coming, but they feel the pressure wave in front of the object." This is due to their coating of microscopic hairs, highly sensitive to air movement. Practising what he preaches, Dr Barnard uses a plastic pistol that fires a holed circular device. A fly swat gun, if you will.

6. Use chopsticks, like the Karate Kid. Under guidance from his instructor Mr Miyagi, teenager Daniel LaRusso demonstrates his speed and hand-eye coordination, and learns an important life lesson at the same time. Mr Miyagi's advice - "Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything" - features on T-shirts in homage to the 1984 film.

7. Put hands either side of the fly, facing each other, so it doesn't know where the threat comes from, then clap the air a few inches above it. Wash hands immediately to remove the contents of the fly's stomach (don't ask).

8. Get a gadget. At the hi-tech end of the market there's an electric-powered mesh, a dome complete with pheromone and an insecticide aerosol. For those on a budget, there are decorative window stickers or pens to coat windows with transparent insecticide, and fly-swats cost as little as £2. Animal rights organisation PETA, which advocates compassion for flies, says there are humane bug-catching devices available too.

9. Improvise with a rolled-up newspaper (bear in mind point five, above), or a spray window-cleaner.

10. The humane approach - to capture but not kill. "I like to grab them in my hands," says Mr Barclay, who's had plenty of practice. "When you want them for a collection you don't want them damaged. Hit them with the palm of your hand and close your fingers over it." And if you're not an entomologist, release the fly outside. It will make you feel better.

'Jewel gangster' held in Monaco

Police in Monaco have arrested at least one suspected member of a notorious international gang of jewel thieves known as the Pink Panthe

Another two people were detained with him near jewellery shops in Monte Carlo, but it is not clear if they too are suspected of being gang members.
The Pink Panthers have been blamed for raids on some 120 luxury shops in 20 countries over the past six years.
The gang has between 60 and 200 members - many from the former Yugoslavia.
Interpol has been co-ordinating the work of several police forces to try to catch the gang.


South America's wildlife wonders

Beach Life

A man passes rows of empty beach chairs at Baltic Sea beach resort Travemuende.

Jennifer Aniston and Bradley Cooper Go on a Date

Let the rumors resume! Several weeks after Jennifer Aniston and Bradley Cooper reportedly flirted at a party for her movie Management, the pair enjoyed a cozy late-night dinner at the romantic Italian restaurant Il Cantinori in Manhattan on Thursday. "It was a date," says a source. "She is taking it slow. She is obviously looking for love, but is not about to rush into anything." When the two met up earlier this spring, pals of both dismissed romance rumors. "I am single," Cooper, 34, the star of the box-office smash The Hangover, recently told PEOPLE, saying that he found the rumors linking himself to Aniston "flattering." He added that he's looking "for humor, great personality, intelligence, inner and outer beauty" in a woman. The one must? "She has to like my dogs [Samson and Charlotte]. My dogs and I come in a package." That shouldn't be a problem for Aniston, 40, a canine lover with two dogs of her own, Norman and Dolly. The actress spent most of the spring shooting the romantic comedy The Baster in New York, while also getting past her March split with John Mayer. "Jen is moving on with her life like she always does," says a source. "She seems happy."

Gisele Bündchen Is Pregnant

Gisele Bündchen is expecting and "ecstatic," sources tell PEOPLE. She is due early next year. Speculation has grown since pictures showing the supermodel in Brazil this week surfaced showing what seems to be a perceptible bump. Bündchen and New England Patriots quarterback husband Tom Brady were married twice this Spring – first in a ceremony in Los Angeles Feb. 26, then exchanging vows before friends in early April at Bündchen's Costa Rica home. "Gisele will be an excellent mother," a source tells PEOPLE. "She's always wanted kids." Reps for Bündchen reached by PEOPLE for confirmation refused to comment.“Family is everything," Bündchen, who turns 29 next month, told PEOPLE last month. "I think family is the base to everything. I think that is one of the things I’m most grateful for. I have a lot to be grateful for but I think that's definitely number one.” Another source close to the couple says, "You know Gisele and Tom are just enjoying themselves, being married and just doing their thing ... Gisele has been talking about it with friends. She says she's ready for a family." This is her first child; Brady has a son, John, with ex-girlfriend Bridget Moynahan.

Divórcio de Ingrid Betancourt

Infidelidade, nomeadamente com o luso-americano Marc Gonçalves, ultrajes e alegado consumo de drogas são alguns dos motivos que o advogado de Ingrid Betancourt aponta para o divórcio da antiga refém colombiana.
Ingrid Betancourt é ainda casada com o publicitário Juan Carlos Lecompte. Antiga refém das Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia (FARC) iniciou no ano passado o processo de "separação de facto", pouco depois da sua libertação.
Outra das causas indicadas para o divórcio será o "incumprimento dos deveres conjugais".
Depois de se ter oferecido para o seu lugar quando Ingrid Betancourt estava refém, de ter tatuado o seu rosto no ombro, Juan Carlos Lecompte disse à revista Caras da Colômbia que a única coisa que recebeu foi “ingratidão”.
Betancourt, depois de ter sido resgatada a 2 de Julho de 2008, foi morar para Paris sem o marido.
A publicação do livro "Fora de cativeiro", escrito pelo luso-americano Marc Gonçalves e por dois norte-americanos, Thomas Howes e Keith Stansell, que foram libertados no mesmo dia que Ingrid Betancourt foi solta, terá estimulado a decisão de Lecompte.
No livro, os autores relatam alegadas infidelidades de Betancourt com o político Luís Eladio Peres e com o luso-americano Marc Gonçalves.
"Depois de tudo isto, Juan Carlos Lecompte sentiu que tinha sido exposto a uma humilhação pública, devido à ampla difusão que teve esta informação tanto no país como no exterior", refere a última edição da revista Caras, tendo sido esta a razão que levou Lecompte a querer o divórcio.
No entanto, o advogado de Betancourt considera "um ultraje" a informação que circula, uma vez que a sua cliente "tem direito ao seu bom-nome."
Na revista colombiana lê-se ainda que Betancourt "respondeu com a mesma moeda e acusou Lecompte de lhe ter sido infiel na época em que ela estava raptada e acrescentou outro argumento, alegando consumo de substâncias alucinogéneas por parte do seu marido."
Há ainda rumores de um suposto romance entre Lecompte e uma jornalista mexicana e uma acusação de Betancourt que afirma que o ex-marido frequentava, com outros amigos, uma casa de massagens e serviços sexuais em Bogotá, na Colômbia.
O divórcio vai confrontar dois dos mais reconhecidos advogados do direito da família da Colômbia, Gabriel Devis-Morales, que vai defender Betancourt, e Helí Abel Torrado, advogado de Lecompte, que vão travar uma "dura batalha legal para que o juiz decida a favor da parte que representam", acrescenta a publicação.
Caso algum dos envolvidos não fique satisfeito com a deliberação judicial, poderá posteriormente recorrer à Divisão de Família do Supremo Tribunal de Bogotá.

Único totalista do Euromilhões é português

É português o único totalista do sorteio do Euromilhões desta sexta-feira, que receberá 15 milhões de euros.
Com o segundo prémio foram escrutinadas sete apostas, duas delas portuguesas, cada uma premiada com 423 mil euros.
Seis apostas foram galardoadas com o terceiro prémio, recebendo cada uma 140 mil euros.
A combinação vencedora do concurso do Euromilhões desta semana é composta pelos números 04 - 16 - 17 - 20 - 29 e as estrelas 05 e 07.