terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2009

Coldplay set for Simpsons stint

Coldplay will become the latest band to make a guest appearance in animated comedy The Simpsons, their spokesman has confirmed.
The band will reportedly be hired by Homer to play a private concert for him and Bart after he wins the lottery.
"When Bart goes to the bathroom, Coldplay has to stop," executive producer Al Jean told US website Entertainment Weekly.
Coldplay follow in the footsteps of artists including U2 and Sting.
Sir Paul McCartney, Johnny Cash, Elton John and The Moody Blues have also made appearances.
The voices of celebrities including comedy actor Seth Rogen and actress Neve Campbell will reportedly also feature in the 21st season of The Simpsons, which will be shown in the US on Fox from 27 September.
Entertainment Weekly said the late singer and actress Eartha Kitt had also recorded audio for an episode for the new season before her death on Christmas Day last year.



Members of China's People's Liberation Army take part in training exercises in Beijing. China invited foreign media to watch, calling it a sign the transparency of its military is improving.

An Indian girl has her face painted to look like a tiger in New Delhi during the fifth National Bengal Tiger talks, which look at ways to protect the endangered animal.

Technicians in Germany work to repair high voltage power lines in Remseck, near Stuttgart.

A woman harvests tobacco plants near the village of Komuniga in Bulgaria, where the crop provides a livelihood for many local people

Hip directors do kids book adaptations

If Spike Jonze’s upcoming live-action adaptation of much-loved kids book “Where the Wild Things Are” comes even close to its promise, it should be something pretty special.

Early stills from the film look sublime and it would seem that Jonze, who is no slouch in the cool stakes himself, recruited a who’s who of the indie world to work on the project.
Former gangster-in-therapy James Gandolfini of “The Sopranos” fame adds his trademark growl to the voice of Carol, one of the lumbering monsters, alongside Forest Whitaker and a smattering of indie royalty — Catherine Keener, Mark Ruffalo and Lauren Ambrose.
San Francisco-based Pulitzer-nominated writer Dave Eggers, best-known for his innovative memoir “A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius,” worked with Jonze to adapt the script from Maurice Sendak’s beloved childhood tale. It tells the story of a boy sent to bed without his supper who creates an imaginary world inhabited by ferocious monsters who crown him their leader.
The film’s soundtrack comes courtesy of long-time Coen Brothers collaborator Carter Burwell alongside NY art rocker Karen O of band Yeah Yeah Yeahs and features songs by Canadian band Arcade Fire.
The film’s child star, Max Records, looks like he could really steal the show, though. He plays disobedient little Max and with his sulky face framed by the hood of his dirty-white monster suit, he looks looks not unlike a pre-pubescent Edward Furlong.
From the
trailer, it looks like Jonze has made a magical film that captures the other-worldly aspect of childhood. Watch Max running around with the sun glinting through trees to the pound of “Wake Up” by Arcade Fire and just try not feeling nostalgic for a lost time in the past.
He’s not the only one mining our collective nostalgia for kid’s books: “The Royal Tennenbaums” director Wes Anderson has turned his eagle eye from the nuances of dysfunctional family life to an adaptation of Roald Dahl’s “The Fantastic Mr Fox.” He is filming it using stop-motion animation, a technique he first experimented with in underwater “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.”
George Clooney is voicing the heroic Mr Fox, who is persecuted by three dimwitted poultry farmers, but prevails in the end. Anderson favorites Bill Murray, Owen Wilson and Jason Schwartzman are voicing too. A trailer hasn’t been released yet, but here are some
Then, of course, there is Tim Burton’s disturbingly psychedelic take on “Alice in Wonderland,” with (who else) Johnny Depp made up to the nines as The Mad Hatter and Helena Bonham-Carter as the homicidal Red Queen. Here are some

Megan Fox não aceita ser a próxima Bond Girl

Acredite: Megan Fox recusou ser a próxima Bond Girl! Enquanto outras atrizes se matariam por uma proposta dessas de trabalho, Fox se negou a atuar no filme, porque seu papel 'carece de protagonismo'.
Fontes próximas à atriz asseguram que ela tomou a decisão, porque não quer ser conhecida como a amante do 007. E, se aceitasse a proposta, estaria afetando sua carreira, que a tornou famosa por sua participação em Transformes.
Fox também disse que está centrada em outros projetos e chegou a considerar ser a Bond Girl. Mas, não descarta a possibilidade de fazê-lo algum dia

Miss Músculos

Madonna adora chocar seus fãs e com certeza isso acontecerá quando as fotos da pop star chegando em casa depois de jantar em um restaurante no centro de Londres forem veiculadas.

Os braços da cantora, que malha pesado duas horas por dia, seis dias por semana, estão tão magros e tão musculosas que dificilmente alguém pode achar bonito.

Os amigos da cantora estão preocupados.

“Este corpo excessivamente musculoso e excessivamente magro tem uma aparência assustadora.”

A médica Carol Cooper, contatada pelo The Sun, avalia as fotos:

“Não é natural uma mulher ter tão pouca gordura. Ela é rica em hormônios que têm um papel vital na prevenção da osteoporose. É melhor ser um pouco cheinha do que muito magra.”